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Take a Leap of Faith This Year

Why not take a leap of faith? A few years back I toured the southern states of the U.S. for four months with my entire family and we did it in a 20 foot RV! Crazy or fun? All depends on your perspective. For us, it was life changing and in all the most positive ways. During our travels, it was the best trip I have ever taken and it was done completely on a leap of  faith.

This trip was in 2011, the economy was bad and we didn’t have a savings account. However, I was approached by my deceased Grandfather telling me to go. When I explained this to my family they were totally on board, even if we weren’t sure how we would make it financially happen. And everyone was ready to take a leap of faith and they were ready to trust.

Let’s Hit the Road

After we purchased the tiny RV, my guides came through to tell me I was to let go of everything before I left. So w let go of the rental house and let go of our belongings. No storage locker (yep, no storage locker)! That is to say, my family was completely on board even though we were faced with downsizing on a major scale. All we could bring with us is what would fit in that tiny RV. And in less than one month, we did it. Subsequently, my husband, two teenage boys, my dog and myself shed enough of our material goods to take off, responsibility free, on the road. Talk about drastic changes in our lifestyle!

Upon mentioning this to people, they would cringe. And their responses would all be similar. “The economy is so bad.” “What about money?” “Are you crazy?” Their fear spoke clearly. However, both my husband and myself fully understood if we were to live in fear, we would have never taken the leap and go. Most importantly we would have always waited for the right and perfect time and it would most likely never come.

A Leap of Faith Paid Off

And our trust paid off. After committing to this trip, canceling our rental agreement with our landlord and getting rid of massive amounts of material items, my husband got a call from a client. A job was offered to him, one that he would be able to complete right before we left for our trip. Moreover, a gig that paid the exact amount needed to take the trip. Coincidence? Nope.

Living in Fear Limits You

Here’s the thing, living in fear limits you and sometimes you need to take that leap of faith. Know that you are cared for, watched over, and know that you will be provided for. In short, that knowledge and belief will pull you through.

In conclusion, this new year, think about what you would like to do with your life. Even if what you dream about is scary, take a step toward it. Remember, you are watched over, you are guided and you are loved. What will be will be, and in the end you will be fine. Stop living a limited life and start living! Make this year an amazing year by taking the chances and watch as the universe supports you!

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