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Spirituality and Feeling Alone

When I stepped onto my spiritual path I was faced with my spirituality and feeling alone. Horrible alone when my intuition opened up 15 years ago. I was previously a skeptic so I had a circle of friends and family that were also skeptic. It was like I was alone in a boat in the middle of a huge lake. I had no one to share my experiences with or ask questions about what was happening to me.

The first two years I found my way through the loneliness, figured out how my intuition worked for me, and started to find friends I could relate to. I’ll put a link to my memoirs about those first two years below. If you are relating to this email so far, you will completely relate to that book when you read it! (plus, it’s free on Kindle Unlimited)

I Created Community

After a while, I started to meet more and more and more people who also felt alone with their spirituality. I decided to create a community, a place people could be all of themselves and not feel alone. I started by meeting with clients, friends, and students in a local Starbucks in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. That grew quickly and we moved into a small building down the road that I rented out. Eventually, my community turned into The SAGE Circle and is now online and has members from all over the world.

To this day it still brings tears to my eyes from gratitude. I am grateful to be able to take that loneliness and turn it into something that can help others not feel so alone.

When you don’t have a circle of friends to share these strange experiences with, or you are confused and have no one you can ask questions to, a spiritual path can feel very isolating. Like you are carrying all this amazingness in your heart but have nowhere to share it or understand it better.

Important For You to Know

If this is you that I am writing about today, I want you to know a few things:

  • You are amazing and wonderful
  • The intuitive moments you are experiencing are real
  • There are others out there just like you
  • They are waiting to meet you and support you

Get Started

Try a few things to start connecting today with others who understand you and love you unconditionally.

  • Get active in the free Facebook community. It’s super uplifting and is a FANTASTIC place to ask spiritual questions and share your experiences with others. Click Here
  • Try two weeks free in the online community, The SAGE Circle. There is no required contract so you can just check it out and see if it works for you. Click Here

If this landed in front of you near or around a moment where you were thinking about wishing you had someone to chat with about your spiritual path… then, it’s a sign. Reach out and watch how loving arms reach back for you.

Here is the link I promised you to my memoirs. If you’re a book lover, you are going to LOVE it. Click Here